Frequently Asked Questions
When are the free trial classes?
Free trial classses are scheduled at 12pm on Saturdays. Please ensure you make an appointment, as space is limited. Alternate dates/times can be accommodated if that particular time does not work for you. Please contact us to set up your appointment.
What do I need to bring to a trial class?
Indoor footwear and socks.
Comfortable workout clothing that does not restrict movement.
Any orthotics/braces/medication that you need to safely perform exercise*.
*We require all members to fill out a PAR-Q, health questionnaire and medical screening form prior to training with us. If there are any red flags, we will discuss this with you and make a plan for moving forward. You may have to visit your health care professional to be cleared for physical activity prior to your first workout with us.
I have a friend that I would like to introduce to the box. Can they come watch a WOD?
Sure. Anyone can sit in. Just let us know you're bringing company. It's even better to bring your friend/co-worker/family member to the Free Trial Class or to a Chrysalis Event.
Events usually include some type of workout, but it's very approachable and non-members can often participate. The free classes are specifically designed for people with no intensity-training experience, but there is still a maximum limit of 4 people in attendance. If the scheduling doesn't work for you and your friend, let us know, and we will try to work something else out. Get in touch to schedule your free class.
Where can I park or lock up my bike?
In one of the four spots in our driveway (our preference, as space is limited on the street), on the South side of Georges-Forest Place, or on any of the surrounding streets.
If you park on the driveway, please:
Park on the left side if you are coming to an odd-hour class (9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm)
Park on the right side if you are coming to an even-hour class (8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm)
Parking this way ensures that no member of the next class is blocking your vehicle (or vice versa).
Coming on foot or by bike? Good for you! You are welcome to lock up your bike on our porch railing.
What about nutrition?
We subscribe to a holistic and nutritious way of eating, as prescribed by Paleo.
What's The Daily Workout?
We all need to work on our strengths AND our weaknesses. Not knowing the workouts in advance makes it difficult to cherry pick only the workouts you prefer, meaning you will be guaranteed to work on what you're not the best at, which makes you a stronger athlete, more well-rounded athlete over time.
Is Chrysalis training appropriate for me if I am differently abled, elderly, injured, or completely out of shape?
Absolutely. Chrysalis training is for everyone and is infinitely scalable & modifiable. Almost anything and everything we do can be modified to give you an equivalent workout. We're all different, and difficulty levels, progress, and excellence are all relative terms. We require all members to fill out a PAR-Q, health questionnaire and medical screening form prior to training with us. If there are any red flags, we will discuss this with you in private, and make a plan for moving forward. The worst case scenario is having to visit your health care professional to be cleared for physical activity prior to your first workout with us.