At Home Workouts
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At Home Workout 10
Workout 10 is a full body workout, somewhat similar to At Home Workout 5, with some additional emphasis on the upper body. There are also a few modification options included for setups and to adjust the intensity of the workout itself. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the exercises presented, please get in touch with us at As a reminder, every video’s description box features linked time stamps to various sections of the video. Good luck to you and let us know how it went! 3-2-1…GO!
At Home Workout 9
Workout 9 focuses on core strength and balance & coordination. It’s also an outdoor-friendly workout, perfect now that the weather is nice enough to take the entire workout outside. There are no modifications indicated in this video. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the exercises presented, please get in touch with us at As a reminder, every video’s description box features linked time stamps to various sections of the video. Good luck to you and let us know how it went! 3-2-1…GO!
At Home Workout 8
Workout 8 focuses on the upper body & core and is quite easy to complete in a home environment. The space and items required is minimal: a surface for pushups and 1-arm rows and weighted objects for bounders & 1-arm rows. There is no modifications section in this workout. For sit up modifications/substitutions, please reference the modifications section included in the written description in the Workout 7 video. It includes a link to this modifications discussion. Indeed, every video features linked time stamps to various sections of the video. 3-2-1…GO!
At Home Workout 7
Workout 7 is a new take on lower body work, combining our love of lunges with muscle-building holds. Materials you will want for this workout include some floor space for lunges, a staircase or multi-height options for push ups and the usual items you may have used for warm up purposes in some of the previous at home workouts listed below. We have added a “modifications discussion” segment for steps 1 and 2, which is a new addition. See description box for time stamps.
At Home Workout 6
Here’s another full body workout. It’s a gymnastics and core-focused workout and it’s a lot of fun to do (and does not require much—if any—materials). What you may need or want: a mat, a timer, a box, a weighted box with handles, possibly a wall, sofa or chair and staircase (depending on scaling requirements). We have a lot of gymnastics scaling options presented at the end of the video so please check these out to find what will work best for you for the second step in the main workout.
At Home Workout 5
This is a full body workout and we are ramping up the intensity. It’s a baseline prep workout consisting of two rounds of all exercises included in the baseline workout, other than the rowing component. Materials needed: a mat, a timer, a box, weighted objects, a laundry basket or milk crate and possibly a wall, sofa or chair and staircase (depending on scaling requirements).
At Home Workout 4
This is a core & lower body workout. Materials needed: a mat, a timer, weighted objects, possibly a wall and staircase (depending on scaling requirements).
At Home Workout 3
Core (abs & glutes), shoulder and calf workout. Requires a step, light weights, down or broomstick, possibly a wall and a mat. Click image on the left to access the video.
Video improvements: we’ve incorporated the timer right into the video! You’re welcome. :o)
At Home Workout 2
Chest, back and core workout. Requires various heights of furniture for dynamic scaling of pushups (stairs might work nicely), some weighted objects for resistance (cans, bottles, jugs, dumbbells), a basket or other wider container that can be weighted for rows, a bench or elevation off the floor to lie on back (for flyes) and a broom stick or towel for pass throughs.
At Home Workout 1
Lower body workout and balance testing/stabilization work. Requires a timer, space for lunges; walking or other form of warm up; object to assist with balance (righting yourself). Click image on the left to access the video.