Are you game to do a little competitive lifting?
As you may be aware, on December 13th, four of us participated in an Olympic lifting competition called Rep Your Box.
The competition was amazing and all four (KDog, Pieces, Luc and Hélène) walked away "better than yesterday" for having the experience. Oh yeah, and not only did everyone PR, but Luc and KDog were recognized as the two athletes from the competition who had made the greatest gains in recorded PRs. Woot Woot
So, we are asking who is interested in doing it...again!
Saturday, February 7th is La Coupe du Voyageur weightlifting competition. The competition will include 3 best lifts for each of the snatch and clean and jerk and classification of athletes is based on gender, age and weight lifted. The contest will follow IWF guidelines (document also included as an attachment to the email).
Where is the event?
The event is held at the Frank Kennedy Center Grotto and the competition is pretty much a full day event.
What does the training schedule look like?
CCFers are starting to train for this event as early as this week!
The schedule is as follows:*
Wednesdays - 7:00pm to 8:30pm at CCF
Fridays - 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Frank Kennedy Centre at U of M ($10 drop in fee applies)
Saturdays - 8:30am to 10:00am at CCF
*This week and next week, the schedule for Wednesday is, 2:00pm - 3:30pm and Saturday, 8:30 to 10:00am.
What are the costs involved?
The CCF training identified above is free to all active CCF members who have registered for the event.
Here's what's involved, cost-wise:
- Manitoba Weight Lifting membership = $65.00 (application form attached)
- Event registration = $30.00 (registration form attached)
- Purchase or sourcing of competition gear (shoes** and lifting suit) = $100.00 + $50.00 = $140.00 (estimate only)
- Potential extra: Knee Sleeves = $45.00 to $60.00
- Potential extra: Weight lifting belt = $50.00 to $125.00
- Training at CCF for the event = $0.00 for 2 X 90 min session per week. Note: Coaches will be training in.
**Shoes can be worn at CCF during training and during lifting classes before and after competition. No worries, you will have the opportunity to use them at the gym. They are a great asset if you want to get serious about lifting.
So far, five of us are either signing up or considering signing up. Are you in?
Let us know by the New Year at the latest, along with a copy of your submitted registration form. The sooner you're signed up, the more training you will have under your belt so don't wait too long!